Saturday, November 3, 2012

no pants pier romp, november 3rd.

these photos will prove to our children, relatives and friends that we have spirit, a sense of adventure, a love of liquid peace and deep kinship. AND this group abides by the No Pants way!
in fact, some of us have less than no pants. 
once again, the best swim EVAR!
thanks to my beloved dave for the adventure, for telling us to get a move on, get down and get off the ladder, the water is fine, there are no sharks, get in, now. 

al, kai and sunshine (the girl, not the weather), claudia, ralph, cami in her superhero suit, lftc, ali and diana darling..

always dark and cold and very wobbly down there..

by the way, this girl in front was thinking that we were really going to jump off the pier, off the top and still she showed up. amazing! (crazy)

what is cami looking at? and pointing at?

all spread out..

all coming together...

all spread out...

and back together, we do this all the time and i love it all the time..

al jumpin!

cami girl has thos arms up, always with the arms up!

the jump from above..

what is cami looking at? she sees things we don't. truly.

beautiful peoples.
thanks to all my beloved friends for being hard core, cold water lovers and joining me so willingly, it would mean nothing without you. to my beloved friends who couldn't make it today, you were missed but we have 99 years ahead of us!

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous guys! You all are so fabulous. Laura thanks for letting us into the not so top secret world of the scientists. Thanks Dave...
