Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Still Trashed and Trash Talk

Those crazy Gals.  I'm a slow learner, but let this be yet another lesson.... when someone anyone says 'wow, Im really tired... lets just take it easy'... its code talk for wear your freaking fins.  Monday LFTC, Sunsh and C-Rose and I took off in perfectly perfect conditions... CR was naked footed, me too... just a little jaunt out to the caves.... I mean really, LFTC almost didn't even come for unmentionable reasons... but it was convincing and took some coaxing.  Then she makes this subtle suggestion, fire behind her goggled over eyes,  lets do a little LADDER work, I think she called it.  Just go 50 strokes hard. um, ok.  Whew, that was fun. Lets head back.   uh uhmph.  It went 50 (which was only me doing 50 since apparently I didn't get the memo that they were stopping at 30 for some reason... Sunsh heading in circles again?....) then down in 5 stroke increments until we hit negative numbers then back up again like 12 times or something....   , suddenly we are almost to the .5, Im fried, heaving practically.. still have to get home and under glorious skies and calm flat warm (very warm) waters we jockeyed  in.  Dam, I feel like a gd olympian when Im out there sucking air and panting, rolling on my back, almost throwing up.  damit, nice hard ass workout yesterday.
Im tired.  Its like snarky race lingo, ya... I get it now.  These gals worked me.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

NOAA practical jokers

A beautiful pre-Rough Water Swim today.  The NOAA website really threw me off, reporting ocean temps at 60.7 deg at 9 a.m.  WTF??!!  How am I going to do a 3 mile race on Sunday if the water temp is hovering at 60?  First panic ("I'm doomed!").  Then quiet resolve ("I've paid my $").  Then backup plans ("Bring hypothermia provisions to the race")....waitaminit, what's that snickering?....

Twas the nerds at NOAA having a good laugh at my expense.  The water temp was nowhere near 60.  Puleeeze.  I can't believe I fell for it!

Ruthy was the first person I saw out there.  RUTH!  She's done with her New Yawk job and ready to pack it up and head to warmer waters.  She was looking very laid back and relaxed too.  It doesn't take long for that Cal attitude to work its way into your mojo, does it?  She was done with her first swim of the day.  Little did I know she had multiple swims on her dance card today.  Good girl.

The water was smooth at 11 a.m.  Just a bit nippy inside the cove, but nothing unusual.  Everywhere else it was 68-71, I'd say.  Viz was so-so.  I did a training swim round trip to the shores, then round trip to the half, for a total of 3 miles.  I was impressed with myself; that last half mile was ugly.

Ran into Laura, Cami and Lyndee back on the beach.  I left Steve D a love note on his backpack.  We're doing the Gatorman this Sunday.  Because Heartland Parents ROCK!