Saturday, October 27, 2012

murk, pity and dick.

swim report- saturday, october 27th, 11:30 featuring cami, toni, the mighty c's, beth and her new tattoo, ralph, claudia, al, kevin, me.  we swam out in glorious seas, flat, calm, inviting with the sun shining down upon us with plans to swim to the marine room to hunt for leopards but some of us didn't make it and some of us didn't even care about the ones that were ascared of the milky yet somehow brown murk that surely concealed ocean predators. so cami and i watched you all actually cavort at the marine room, romp, even! we bobbed in deadly murk wondering if you all noticed we weren't romping with you. and we are the best rompers! we got over this immediately and swam toward clearer sea and there you all come, streaming through the kayak flotilla, little colorful heads bebopping over to us only to torture me with plans for the a buoy. god, i was so tired today, weak! beth and bill try to trick me by saying the a buoy 'is on the way in'. i know better but i agree because..well, i don't know why i agreed, i just did. at the a they try to get me on board for the b buoy but i wasn't going to fall for their trickster ways and head in with cary and cami who claimed they were done anyway but i suspect a pity call on their parts. excuse me? pity swim? pity partners? okay! hey, pity has a place in life for a reason. on the trek from the a to the cove we found the 20 feet of absolute clear to the bottom clarity, i didn't care though and swam right through it because i was so done. and! i rode my bike over, i had to ride back and i parked especially far for the cardio burn like a dumb-ass and i needed to get on it. sigh. guess what? i forgot where i parked and rode to rush spin studio, where i usually meet sunshine to bike to the cove. i climbed some wicked hills to go the wrong way. good thing i already have a helmet.
all and all a very good swim with the best partners on the planet, even the pity is kind and doled out with love.
a couple of things: cary and cami are suggesting i blog for free crap, like reviewing swim gear or swimwear in exchange for swim stuff, a fine idea except cary says i have to clean it up, cami wasn't sure about his aspect. (you guys DO NOT EVEN KNOW what our sweet cami is capable of, language wise-be afraid is all i can say ) my thoughts on this was that if i can't say dick in my blog, i'm not gonna do it. i know i can use it creatively in a review for say, fins, right?
the other thing is regarding new neoprene swim caps from a company called, the owner is married to a hardcore, crazy, cold water swimmer and makes neoprene caps for swimmers, custom, colors, different sizes,  with an excellent guarantee. she makes them herself and knows what the open water swim people are like. i have two of her caps, one with a chin strap, one without, for anyone to try out. these are super soft and super bright, really beautiful. it would be cool to bring some color to our winter swims and we can paint them! i see 'no pants'! i am not involved in any marketing plan nor do i receive any money or discounts for these caps, i just like them and i particularly like the strapless version. i know i heard one of my girls say they prefer the strap on but i didn't catch who it was. good thing, huh.. if we order in bulk we'd get a ship fee break. check it out, if you like them i'd be happy to put a group order through or just get one on your own if you like them.
winter is coming and you all are going to swim right through it, do whatever it is you have to do, caps, wetsuits, club access, hot water, medication, whatever. don't be a dick, swim with me!

1 comment:

  1. all that talk about dick and you forgot to mention the water temp. 65 mostly, except for all those 63 spots...ahhh, brrrrr, ohhhh, brr, ahh, brrrrrr,ahh. yes, it's easy to get off topic when you're talkin dick.
