Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Sorry for the delay, people, I have post traumatic stress!

Okay you swimmer people, Dave took my laptop to sea and when he brought it back I couldn't find my stuff, passwords, favorites, etc. I found some of his favorites though and let me tell you, we had a very meaningful conversation about it. God, I hate when that happens. But anyway, I can post now!
We are now in October, so much has happened as of late! The Mighty C's went to Franistan for months it seems, Cary came back tired but 5lbs lighter, I'm very interested in her weight loss method: 24 hour long flights, stomach woes, some rotten little pick pockets, emotional distress and fatigue. I am all over it.
On their first swim back, Bill declared an easy, low key day, we should not expect much given Cary's weight loss plan and you all know what happened, right? He hauled ASS from the marine room back, leaving us behind. When we Cary asked about the 'easy' day plan, he said he had to go race pace for the relay. I was not one bit surprised as you all do this. I guess my ladder days mean I'm guilty too.
We have new girls in our pod: Beth and Sunshine, both are hard core nut cases and fit in perfectly, please let's try to keep them in the loop all year. Use whatever methods work; guilt, best swims evar!, bribery, anything. Guile, people! Practice guile!
Let's see, what else? I received an unfair and unwarranted speeding ticket on Mt. Soledad to the tune of $200. I was technically speeding but there were extenuating circumstances! I was behind a hundred year old dude in a Caddy! Do I need to say more? Because I get ruffled when thinking about it.
In order to offset my guilt over the cost of this unjust fine, I got a job! Calm down, I already quit because conditions have been really good and I can't lose sight of my priorities.
I quit the athletic club! That's right, I left the uptown digs and relocated to the street. I'm sure I told you all about it, over and over. I told complete strangers. I told Toni, Cami, Sunshine and Beth about a hundred times, I bored Claudia to tears. The rates and policies changed, not in favor of my budget, so I had to make a stand! I really dislike principles, they tend to make me do things I find difficult. Thus my Post Traumatic Stress. I need to talk to Wendy. It's her specialty.  So Dave bought me a bike, now I park far away and bike in to avoid traffic, hills and no parking. I love riding my bike, I sometimes join Sunshine and together we cause mayhem on the streets. Sunshine, the girl, not the weather, is prone to sidewalk riding, weaving, riding on the opposite side of the street, no helmet riding and Speedo wearing riding. I follow her for the entertainment. She makes it all very cute somehow, she rides her bike exactly as her name suggests.
Mostly I have been swimming. Everything revolves around the swim and I'm sure more things have happened but the I can't recall right now.
I'm so happy we are all still together, more or less. No matter how far away one might wander, it's cool to know that the pod will be welcoming upon a return, it's all about the love and we love the swimmers. Say it with me: We love the swimmers.
p.s. Cami has new fins! Magic fins like Cary's! She loves them. Diana has new fins too! Exactly like mine, magic fins all over the place.

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