Sunday, May 20, 2012

overheard in the water today...

"Okay, someone said that it's clearish over near boomers.  so let's swim that way."  "i'm goin in now, 'cause i gotta pee."  "a sea star! Is it blue or is it the water making it look blue?"  "no it's really blue."
"what's that over there?"  "a lobster trap floater"  "oh my gosh, there's 2 lobsters in the trap!" "and a crab.  poor crab."  "but it's not lobster season.  let's free them."  "the trap door won't stay open.  how can we get them out?"  "i can't hold me breath long enough to tie the door open."  "the crab is out!  YAY!  but the lobsters are stuck in the labyrinth."  "we just witnessed a crime.  those guys launched that boat from the beach.  the life guards rode up with their little lights flashing, and ..."  "a horn shark swam right underneath emily!"  "really?!!!"  "where are bill, cary and emily?  oh they're still trying to get those lobsters free.  let's swim to the A."  "hey guys!  we got one of the lobsters free!"  "2 out of 3 ain't bad."  "what a great Free Willy kind of moment."  "i'm going back to the A."  "we're going in."  "i'm going to the caves."  "wow this is a beautiful day to swim."
quotes provided by TFTC, LFTC, Bill, Cary, Emily, DianaDarling, Leonard


  1. oh man... y'all are killing me. Heres what I heard "go Xander, nice hit" run , run.... yah, oh, mom Im staaaarving, when can we go home, can we watch tv? Im hungry. Mooooooom, Im hungry. Can we watch a movie. Mom, can I have some candy. MOOOOm, can I have some candy?
    missed you all more than you will ever know.

  2. you'd have loved it more than any of us. sad but true. you'd still be out there!

  3. nice tftc! you little wordsmith, you! thank you for trying to keep our graph from hitting the floor, from being a diminishing feature! i love us, i love all we have to say, the few words to the many, all are entertaining!

  4. It was a wonderful swim with our dear swim-peeps -- in addition, my daughter and the Free Willy moments freeing the crab and lobster were priceless.
