Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Brownie burn...

Late in the day swim report, Tuesday, 3 but really closer to 4:
Loli was too sick to make our noon swim date, I was too disappointed (lazy) to hunt for a partner, I decided to stay home and clean my car (eat brownies) when Janie and Diana texted me to come swim! Oh man, those brownies needed to be dealt with so I raced over to sun, a lovely sea with big lazy rollers and Howie in a thong. Well, almost a thong, he may be worried about drag or something. But, the swim dudes are not shy, we all know this. We launch for a fairly fast swim to the A then the B, across to the 'pink' house which was downhill making us all believe we were super speedy and back in. Janie turned on her little after burners at this point, she blazed in like a rocket. Diana and I played in the cove for awhile, it was so clear the Garibaldi looked ultra neon. 
My watch read 65 and 66, no viz although we did see two ghostly bat rays gliding near the swim channel, Janie saw a ghostly fried egg jelly. Such a beautiful and unexpected swim for me, I'm so happy I went, so happy that my mermaid friends thought of me and lured me out to burn off the brownies. Unfortunately, brownies are one step forward and two steps back these days, one swim is not enough. Brownie fat is hard core, it does not f**k around so I must press on. Everyone, keep luring me!  
Thanks to my beautiful partners, thanks to Howie in his teeny tiny's!

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