Sunday, June 17, 2012

a day in the life

swim report sunday, 11:30; cftc, sunshine, (her name, not the weather) claudia, ralph, lftc met under grey skies, mostly flat seas with surface chop and head to children's since sunshine hasn't been thataway. plus, we knew viz was CRAP, had been CRAP and will likely continue to be CRAP for awhile according to the mightiest mc last week. we swim along sans fins because i had been having fin drama! fin trauma, people! you didn't hear? it was on the news, wasn't it? i left my beloved magic fins on deck saturday due to distraction, i had my stuff, ali's stuff, our stuff, stuff on deck, stuff on the beach and stuff in the club. ali goes down to the water and rips all her clothing off, throws her stuff down and forgets it, i do this too but usually keep it in my backback. this one time i flaked, i was busy stuffing magazines, coffee cups, ali's clothes, my clothes and homemade jam into my backpack and i left my fins on deck. after i had been telling diana to get fins, get them now, bugging her daily and when she finally does, i lose mine. yikes, i even told her she must sharpie her phone number on them. damn. 
anyway, this morning i realized my beloved fins were gone, someone very likely took them because they are the most bitchin fins ever.  i hate to be overly dramatic but my faith in mankind had been deeply shaken, i may never be able to trust again! david, i need the bank card too, it's the only way i can carry on! my fins make me want to live, how could he deny me the will to live? but we are running late so we head to the beach to meet the crew and of course i check with the guards who.... had not seen them.  i implore doug to find my fins, wendy is going to hunt for them and kick someone's ass, she's wearing a skimpy bikini so dave encourages this, claudia and cami say i don't need fins ever again and ralph is totally ignoring me.  then the swim, finally. on our way back up i stop at the guard bench to give them watermelon, i mention the fins one last time and guess what? they had them! someone turned them in while we were out. it's a christmas miracle! my faith in humanity has been restored! i will learn to love again! ok, so now we move on my little swim peeps because there is more. always more. 
after we collected our stuff from the beach we all carefully scan, do we have everything, everyone? dave has zander, sunshine has her boy, wendy has wylie, claudia has me, ralph was in the jacuzzi, cami is collecting up hundreds of toys but where's ali? look for the ali, we figure she found someone up top and went to the jacuzzi but as we walk across the beach claudia finds ali in a deep hole, they had dug the deepest hole and she was just hanging out in the hole. we all end up together and say goodbye, i love you, see you soon and so on but i can't find my clothes so i go to the garage to find david who may have my clothes (if you see me walking around a non swimming area in a speedo, you know there's a problem) and i see  cami, wendy and dave deeply involved in the trunk of cami's car. cami is bent over her trunk madly jiggly the lock, jabbing things in it, the kids are racing around like banshees, hollering for the echoes and throwing beach balls. what? what is happening? cami yells out that she locked her keys in the trunk. well, i'm almost naked so good luck with that. tools are looked for to no avail, kids are asked to hush to no avail and i still can't find my clothes. after several minutes i hear whooping, it seems that our dave and wendy are the the macgyver's of the cove. his know how and her blade did the job. that's right, wendy carries. that supposed fin thief would have been in serious trouble. heroes! 
i guess this is more of a day in the life report than a swim report, sometimes the adventure is landbased, more often than not, things go smoothly but occasionally we have messy days that can already be looked back upon with amusement and fondness for the memories of our cove days will carry us for all our days. word. 

and now this:

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