Sunday, June 10, 2012

Scripps Pier Swim -- Laura says POST!

See the white water?  Laura you'd have loved, loved, loved it!  
Did I say, see the white water?  Beautiful day, though, really!
Okay, I'm really too tired to post, just so you know... wonderfully wasted and washed up from the swells and the surf today.  But Laura says POST, so I thought I'd better do it. A great swim with a group nearly as big as they get -- Kathy's unofficial official birthday swim was a big success (except for missing our peeps gone MIA and you, of course, know who you are... at least, you know you were missed.).  There were at least 14 brave swimmers, though I lost track as we assembled on the beach and started heading out to the pier in batches, like waves of dolphins leaping through the surf...

Bill, me and our new swim friend, Ashley headed out trying to catch up with kickin' it Carol and Leonard...

We were falling way behind Doug, Chris and I think, Bob... Kathy, Janie and Don were bringing up the stragglers (Kathy said something about this being a great hangover cure!). I'm sure I didn't get everyone's name... we just all said YES, (finally after many minutes in various huddles) we're in! We're not short-cutting the swim -- we're ALL going to the pier and so we did... it was loads of fun with swells and currents swirling and never a dull moment.

Janie's view of the pier -- way out there -- I mean WAY, FAR AWAY out there!
Water temp was good, not much viz, but all good...Surf was way up at the pier too, so we had an exciting exit surfing into shore... dodging the pier, Bill kept coaching me on how to stay alive in the big surf and I did! Much to my surprise... it was fun too.,. we tried to stay out of the surfers way and then Janie and Don came in and nearly shot the pier (not a good thing in the big surf)...  Anyway, a good time was had by all... Bill, Ashley, Janie and I decided to walk back (bare feet, wetsuits and all!) -- we were just too tired to get back in and go back -- okay, lazy then... just too lazy. The sun had come out, it was a gorgeous day and we had a lovely walk back to the cove... Bill and I jumped in the water again at the cove and greeted Leonard who said he left Bob, Carol and Kathy at the caves (THIS WAS NOT A GOOD DAY FOR THE CAVES--READ: HIGH SURF!)... anyway dearest Leonard was concerned about their safety we all floated around in the cove until we saw them come out (Carol lost two pair of goggles in the cave -- hers and Kathy's!). She said, and I quote: "I didn't think I was going to make it out alive -- wow! It was wild, it was fun! I was scared!!!" -- so, we were ever-so-grateful, all came in that went out to sea and all is SWELL -- sorry, couldn't help myself -- Laura said WRITE, so this is what you get... I know...
Made it back to peace and calm and a few little waves in the cove... gorgeous!

We missed those who didn't make it (we did see Claudia and Al on deck as we went out and invited them, but they needed to go shorter and no one was shirking from the pier, so I think they just did their own thing).

Here's a few shots of the pier thanks to Janie and af couple from me post swim to get you all excited and inspired...that is, if you're not asleep yet...

Happy swimming!
Cute guys everywhere lounging about -- wish I was too!

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