Friday, July 20, 2012

Shark City

Glorious water again today, Friday.  By my count, it's been 4 solid weeks of clear, flat water out there.  Truly unprecedented.  Do we deserve this?  YES!!
Cary, Cami, LFTC, Toni, Ken, Claudia and DianaDarling in our pod today.  And what a treat!  CoveBob alerted us of the abundance of sharks out today.  "Head to the green buoy, then straight to the Marine Room."  We must have passed them up on our way there.  Must have been looking, wide-eyed, at all there was to see--the visibility was endless.  We saw only one or two leopards on the way out.  But we returned in slightly deeper water, and BAM, we hit paydirt.  Mobs of leopards in 8 - 10 ft of water, gliding through the sea grass.  Blue-tiful sight!
Cami reported seeing a black sea bass and many Soupfins.  She took the rest of us back to where she'd seen the sharks (how did she find it again?!); and OMG, shark city!  Dozens of beautiful sharks swimming in harmony among the fish.  We hung out there (midway between the Q and the first pin buoy in a patch of kelp) for a long time.
More sightings on the way in--schools of brown fish, sargo and baracuda.  It was too much good fortune for one day--Cary's unofficial birthday swim.  Happy Birthday, Cary!


  1. And Sunshine too... Both the kind from the sky and our sweet and brave darling ray of light!!

  2. This nearly, i said nearly, painful to read.

  3. Thanks for posting Toni! It was truly a magical swim. And to think I almost stayed home to do chores -- what a perfect swim with you all... the shark-o-rama was unbelievable too...
