Thursday, July 12, 2012


WE saw these today:

triggerfish!  LFTC, Alexis, CFTC and Lyndee were a swimmin from the A to the .24, to the caves and back and on the way back I spotted that classic stride of the triggerfish... top dorsal and bottom fins move to propel the fish, and they do it alternately... dove down and saw Balistes polylepis three of these guys!  Alexis got a close and silly encounter with a juvvy sea lion, looked for the classic olla which nobody believes ever really existed (I have pictures still in my underwater-undeveloped-disposable camera that is now MIA), Lyndee graced us with her mermaid like love of the water (and Im ever-grateful for her dad overseeing us and our safe swims out there), LFTC wanted to have a board meeting with all present "I could stay out here all day long!"
Gloriously clear to the bottom most of the way, lots of interesting fish, more kayakers than fish and a good lookin jr. lifeguard instructor that Alexis 'noticed'. 
Glory Days of SUMMER!!

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