Saturday, July 28, 2012

Sharks and Merfolk

Swim when you can and as often as you can -- a wonderful idea!  Bill and I were lucky to make any swim at all today, since again, family plans have a way of occassionally infringing on swim time... Imagine that and I know you all can.  Despite all our hurrying around, we still managed to meet up with the mermaid sisters, Cami and Wendy (photographer of the day), and Lyndee. Looked like Laura and Claudia beat us out into the water before we could round up the stragglers...  we even ran into Mauricia (sp) and Kevin just going out while we were heading back to shore. Gorgeous day, despite the less-than-perfect viz and bit of algal bloom in the water.  Warm seas around 68 delighted us and we sailed on smooth rollers for a fun bump in our ride out in search of the soup fin...

Smile, then lets go find the sharks!
Bill found them too!  Happy days, as Wendy had her heart set on locating some... many fish and good times.  Here are some fun-tastic photos taken by Wendy.
A beautiful mermaid (guess who?) with the shark hunter in the shadows....
Why we are sooooo spoiled!  Great shot, Wendy.

Not great viz, but Wendy got some great shots.

Here they are! Bill pointed and we delighted in finding MANY sharks below.

So keep on swimming, team! Whenever you can and wherever you can find a beautiful blue sea like this.

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