Saturday, December 1, 2012


proof positive that swimmers are crazy. 
also, this is evidence that conditions were scary today. 
Cary tried to use some kind of psychological trickery that she uses for difficult museum goers, she uses soft, positive words like; bouncy, fun, adventurous, play.  
(pssst; allow me to translate in street language; rough, dangerous, crazy, downright hard f*cking work)   
but i have learned a lesson or two in my swim life and surprise! i was there! that's right, i heard the mighty c's were going to 'check it out, practice surf entries and exits' so i packed up and flew over with my camera. before i arrived on the the scene of the crime, i received the text with all the soft words. fun! play! bouncy! sunshine is coming too! yeah! 
when i scanned the seas i couldn't see them or anyone except for surfers at the marine room. surfers at the boat launch. surfers at the tower. i watched the horizon for awhile until i saw little dark spots working hard to get to shore and these are the pictures. note the huge surf at boomers. after we parted ways, dave and ali and i walked to the pier with claudia. let me tell you guys, surfers were getting OUT of the water. do you hear me? OUT. we watched surfers unable to get past the waves, we saw surfers laying on the sand after getting beat down in the shore break. we saw the news crew filming 15' waves. it was amazing to behold. 
i invite you all to behold our bouncy, fun, adventurous and playful friends:

cary making her escape..

first one out cause she's smart!

look behind him/her...boomers is breaking so far out it wasn't even boomers. just open water.

i just imagine cary thinking ....

what was i thinking? 

the mighty c himself, sauntering out like aquaman..

right to left; boomers, sunshine, bill 

so cute and do you all notice how many fin our sunshine is carrying? there's a reason she has only 1 and you know why. 

new ink, beautiful!
there you go! fun for the day! congrats to the brave swimmers in these pictures who did some recon for us. thanks for representing the ascared people!

1 comment:

  1. Dude posting my naked tattoo with no color! Ack....well you will have to post it again when it is done.
