Saturday, December 8, 2012


Dang that was cold.  Im still cold. Gray water, gray skies. 60 degrees everywhere. Friday was gray, but a good gray... the gray that says its all going to be ok, not hazardous gray.... LFTC, our fearless leader, sent out a cryptic message that spoke in no uncertain terms that  she has no mojo... uh oh, whatever that means I got my fanny in gear, took off my plans for hot yoga which sounded glorious on a cold winter day and booked it down into the gray. Sunshine, the girl not the weather, was there all slap silly from 90 min of spinning, then Claudia who almost swam naked (she is so committed to our swims really!)...  in we went, real slowly.... its warmer that way??  THE SWIM: Not much to speak of, went to the .25, big remarkably unremarkable swells that seemed to come then go and do nothing more.... then in towards the caves, milky water (this gal doesn't do milky water too much), gentle arching swoop over towards the A, over kelp, through kelp, crawling kelp... slightly better visibility, chilly but somehow tolerably chilly.... on back in to the shore where we all washed up on one final last wave from the Neptune to his lover Laura, alone. .... its not the swim that chills, its the dam cold afterwards!  Great swim in marginal conditions with good gals... c'mon winter, the deal is chilly but CLEAR... this is deal I made over summer, so let me know when it gets clear. Maybe Tuesday? All I can say is how grateful I am for my sweet friends, ugg boots, Lauras hot water Detergent bottle and women braver than me who know how to put the crimpers on. Im weak.

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