Monday, December 24, 2012

A Christmas Gift...

Sunday we made it out, dispite the drizzle and gray... Claudia, Grady, Leonard, Steve and the Mighty C's were back at the shores happy to test our toughness in the 59 and dropping water...

And worth it, it was!  I shouldn't use our favorite phrase, BEST SWIM EVAR, because Laura wasn't there  (though few had much sympathy as our dear LFTC chases the great wild waves  in Maui).  Still, the swim was such gift. I'd have to say, a large gift, okay, THE BEST GIFT EVAR, wrapped in salt water and sea spray!

As I missed Saturday with the shores gang, and sadly missed our Ruth's return swim because I'm still a bit under the weather,  I was in much need of some cheer, and the sea responded.  Claudia swears the little gray whale KNEW I wasn't well and came to check on me... and I yes, Virginia, I BELIEVE!

As I'm swam north parallel the to the shore, I start veering over towards the surfline  (like a horse to the barn, trying to get back on land!) and I look up and right in front of me (I thought I was going to swim into it!) was a gorgeous little baby gray whale and as it dove back into water, it fluked it's happy tale to me as if saying Merry Christmas, Cary... then, as if that wasn't enough, a dolphin escort jumped out of the water, swimming alongside the whale... at this point, I've stopped, am screaming until my voice -- EVERYONE, LOOK, IT'S A WHALE!!!!!! Bill heard me scream (that was kinda' nice and reassuring...) and most everyone including the surfers, stopped and stared... the group swam south towards the Marine Room and spouted as a final shout-out to us, at least that's the way I saw it... I do have witnesses, so I'm quite delirious with happiness knowing this whale with dolphin escort was a very Merry Christmas wish!

Sadly, no photos of the whale and his friends, but I took two photos... the first one is gray as the day started and the second, was the sunny-magical-whale-moments our day morphed into!

I missed thosed that were not with us and hope you all have a holiday filled with family, friends and swimming!  We'll be back out there next weekend!
Hope to see you then...

Gray Sunday Start

After the magic, everything brightened!  

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