Thursday, November 3, 2011

dolphin encounter

Lake La Jolla was beckoning. Today I swam at the Shores, from the Tower to the pier, then to the Marine Room and back. Many huge schools of sardines were out. Glorious, clear flat water at 61 degrees. I was swimming parallel to the shore when a small school of sardines came racing toward me, head on; swam under me. Made me think, "hmmm, why are they in such a hurry?..." In the next instant, a DOLPHIN came barreling toward me, swam directly underneath me, chasing those sardines! I stopped and popped up to see the rest of the pod, also on the chase. They split, swimming 10 feet either side of me, only to catch up with their pod-mate, now 20 feet behind me, to commence jumping and (presumably) snatching up some sardines for lunch. I wanted to whoop and go join in the celebration, but kept my distance. I listened to their squeaks and clicks and, in a matter of seconds, they were gone. And I was left with that tingly feeling of having been witness to something special.