Sunday, November 6, 2011

Weekend swims with Ruth or What a Difference a Day Makes!

Saturday view from above the cove... near the Goldfish Point. 
Ruth was out for a short, but sweet visit. So glad we managed to get in a swim on both Saturaday and Sunday, despite the weather.  But what a contrast!!!

Saturday was GORGEOUS!  Best swim, ok, in a while, or, since LFTC swam with us... We had quite a group meeting at 2 (Ruth, Carol, Bob, Shane, Vic, Don, Chris, and the Mighty C's). The sun was brilliant as it sparkled and danced on the gentle rollers.  Quite a smooth swim out to the B -- straight out, did not pass A and get all tangled up in blue, no, that would be kelp... then from the B (the viz was clear) we had some fun swells rollin' in... carried us to the 1/2 then to the caves.  Shane and Carol went through the cave, even with the crazy swells. They timed it JUST right! Scared me... I'm a chicken when it comes to getting dashed to bits in the cave...

Rainy daze... fun swim times!
Sunday's swim seemed a bit sketchy... we were hoping the rain would stay away until afternoon -- or at least later than noon.... but NOOOO.  We managed to down some of my homemade chai (celebrating the November birthdays and sorry we missed our Cami and LFTC).  We charged off into the rain--couldn't get any wetter. And it  was fun--the water was calm and smooth and raindrops kept falling on our heads. We had Leonard, Ruth (guest of honor), Carol, Bob, Marta and the MC's. Still a nice pod for such less-than-wonderful-weather!  We headed to the 1/4, then the 1/2, where Bill, Bob and I opted to head back. The amazing Ruth, Marta, Carol and Leonard said let's do the B!  So off they went and the rest of us (Bill, Bob and I) all came back in the dripping rain as the life guard cheered us in (no one else was out today, can't imagine why!).  Slugged down some more liquid heat (chai), Leonard brought his great coffee and we were off to get into our cars and get dry... such a great weekend, only half wet and all wild.  We missed our swim peeps that couldn't be there, but think the chaff and the wheat thing might be important to note.  

~Wheat out


  1. I never imagined the swim could be so good this past weekend. Who knew?! Thanks for the report. It will make me reconsider sitting out the bad weather in my warm, dry homey home next time.

  2. darn I miss you guys! Im super crazy busy and really enjoying hot yoga in this new Fall chill.... dipping my toes in chilly waters on a chilly day just puts me in the dread mode... see how fast I forget how much I love swimming. Short term memory loss.... see, I'll forget soon enough how much I dread cold water and be right there with you sooner or later. Happy safe swims y'all... count me in for weekend after next. Hows that for commitment?

  3. Sorry to have missed it....lazy daze! Home with my sick hubby.
