Sunday, November 20, 2011

Saturday was nice...

Despite storm threats, Bill and I made it to the cove around noon... It wasn't raining, the water was clear and cool (59ish) and the sun was poking through in places -- we were in!  Sorry we missed our peeps, as we were getting into our wetsuits, Janie showed up and swam with us in the cold, clear waters.  We did a fast tour of the buoys on bumpy, waters and then back... not terribly eventful, but great to be in the water.
I was happy to see at Children's Pool, the harbor seals and people were coexisting... that was nice. Here are some pics as the light was leaving and we prepared for home.
Looking like Saturday could go either way, it turned out to be a great swim!
Sea Lions actually together with humans... this is the second time I've seen this .
They're getting used to us! the pinks...

Nice way to end the day... looking this way!


  1. We just missed you!DD, C rose and Paula went out around 10:30ish. Had harbor seal entourage/escort in and out. It was a fun swim.
