Friday, February 3, 2012

LFTC lowering the standards bar

Swim report from the weak: Friday February 3rd, 10:30am. Claudia, Ralph and yours truly, the Weak, met at the shores just because the shores is a sure thing. The cove can be iffy, sometimes yes, sometimes no, like a high maintenance woman, sometimes she will put out and sometimes she won't. When she does, amen, life is good and when she won't, we miss her and wait like love sick puppies for the pleasure of her company. Anyway, we love sick puppies swam the easy shores and had a blast, clear, flat as can be, calm and lovely. We swam to the marine room and on the way back I lost my will to live, I had been to the gym already without genuine recovery time but I only did core, no cardio, no heavy weights, just balance and squeezing body parts. (I'm so seriously sick of squeezing, sick of working my 'core'. My 'core' had better kick some ass soon or that's it, it's full time cookies) So I was surprised when I lost my will to go on, like what is this? Am I in some vortex, a time warp sucking me backwards and down? No, just fatigue and how dare my body behave this way! I stuck with it and slogged along stopping to paddle. Really, LFTC did some dog paddling today. Admitting it is the first sign of ..what? There is a saying from the Anons about it (you guys know). Anyway, I bailed at the tower to flop down in the sand where I promptly passed out when I closed my eyes. The sun felt so good and I was so happy to just lay there and get crusty with sand while beach flies buzzed around me. Really, happy! My standards of a good time are sinking. When Dave asks me to go out for dinner with him I reject him immediately but offer a chance to dog paddle in icy seas and get bitten by sand flies, I'm all over it. Really! Go ahead, ask me!

1 comment:

  1. Got my iPad and went right to blog oh how I miss your prose thanks for showing off my butt and all
