Saturday, February 25, 2012

Saturday Sea Lion Feeding Frenzy

Beautiful day at the cove on Saturday, with smooth low rollers and a little chop outside, making for some textured seas on our swim with Leonard.  The MCs thought we'd be alone, but no -- Leonard, came out for the team and we had an exciting swim, once again.  The A, B, to a random dive boat, then to the 1/4  as we bumped along in the cool, 57 degree water.

Not much visibility, but we met the sea lion out in kelpy water near the 1/4 mile buoy and were truly entertained.  I saw his head pop up nearby, then he ducked down and back up with a mouthful of octopus!  None of us had ever seen this before -- octo-lunch!  This was way too big an octopus for one gulp, but the silly young sea lion was determined to eat.  He struggled and fought to stuff it in (reminded me of a little floating, furry piggy) while a hungry gull came swooping down to grab a bite -- or swipe the entire thing, if he could.  What a show! This went on for quite some time, the gull flying up and then swooping down, the sea lion trying desparately to gulp this way-too-big-for-one-bite octopus... finally the sea lion went under (the gull couldn't follow) and managed to either down or drop the poor hapless tenacled tidbit.  Finally, we decided we were beginning to feel the chill in the water, so headed into the cove... another beautiful day in paradise!



  1. wow! what a neat experience! thanks for the story.

  2. What a day. My favies and their endless encounters at low population density!
