Sunday, February 26, 2012

easy bake oven survival tactics

swim report sunday, feb. 26: the mighty c's, leonard, steve and lftc met at noon in grey skies, cool weather, busy sea, some tide swells breaking near take off but despite my complaints i'm sure i can handle it. as of late, i have been in much worse and i don't know why. i always race home to tell dave that 'I AM NEVER GOING TO SWIM IN SURF, EVER AGAIN'. it's like a declaration and a few days later, there i am, in the surf. i'm dumb. anyway, we head out in zero viz to the a, the b and the 'virtual boat' that the mc's and leonard have discovered (?), the 1/4 and in. it's near the cove that the up and coming surf shows itself for what it will be: big whompers, steep and mean and unpredictable. i'm feeling a little scared but i do see the mythical 'lulls' which really are giant flat spots pressed down by mighty whompers. ok, who is going to go in with me? cary is busy scoping out her exit, bill is laughing with glee, yes, with GLEE and leonard is too far away. steve was already on the stairs. on our careful swim in and back out we bump into a group of novice snorkelers too afraid to go in, they decide to go in with us and all 10 of us (it felt like 10, it was more like 5 or 6) end up standing on six inches of rock kind of checking things out and there comes the big wave, really big but i'm stuck in the middle of this gang, they are literally standing on my feet, elbows touching, noise, fins, snorkels abound but i power through (all that core stuff does occasionally pay off-if only to prevent my undignified death on the rocks) and go up, up, through the top of this wave and fall down the back. i'm so glad i made it, it would have been a nasty wash. i see scott lingering outside, waiting for things to settle down and he waves at me, i was so happy to see him, i knew then that i would make it home to bake cookies with ali in her easy bake oven. there is nothing like a gooey cookie cooked by a lite bulb. it sounded like heaven to me. oh, one little thing, on our way back to the cove we crossed this couple waiting to swim in, they had been hanging for a long time, no pants and i knew they were worried about the sets that had really popped up from nowhere. i asked them if they were okay, the guy said yes, the girl said no. i assumed they would follow us in as they were moving out towards us but they still hung back too long for us to wait. after the mayhem on the rocks i was in no position to worry about them, i was thinking only of the easy bake. we all did make it, spent some time in the jacuzzi and i made it home to make gooey cookies with ali. 
all in all a fun and adventurous swim, overall fast and athletic, everyone had their motors running today, cary was on fire, steve was gone, leonard was working hard to catch anyone he could, bill was working hard too and i had magic fins which means that my hard swim was cake. happiness prevails.
thank you my friends!  i love you all so much and i will save you lite bulb cookies.


  1. It didn't hurt that we had a hot jacuzi to jump into after the swim

  2. duuudes, you are keeeeellling me. even bumpy high freaky surf cold murky waters is sounding better and better. this salty gal is parched. thanks for the stories!!!
