Tuesday, February 7, 2012

surprise, surprise!

Wow... can you believe this? Incredible! Gorgeous! Amazing! These are some of the words spoken by few today, Loli and LFTC swam at 12:30 and barely even.  Neither of us had planned to swim as it was cold, grey and so windy! We both went on long runs this morning in lieu of swimming but Loli mentioned good conditions which precede whompers coming into town Wednesday so maybe.... Still, we both waffled until 12:20 when it was decided that swim we must, especially given the huge bright green spots in the cove, ultra flat water and we were right there. Marched down, talked to the guards who advised us to stay inside due to high winds and pretty strong surface texture and went out into GLORY! Freaking incredible glory, like can't swim because of the gazing in wonder, the ooh's and aah's and the disbelief that not one other soul was in sight. Anywhere! We had the aquarium to ourselves. I have seen clear conditions many times, sometimes all the way down to the sea floor but today was about the clearest I have seen everywhere we swam, all 
All the sea floor was visible, the striations, the boulders, the chips of shells, the base of sea kelp, the little fishies, it was as though we were walking around down there. Cold was ignored as was real swimming, this was all play and touring.   I'm out of descriptive words, it was just too good to put into words anyway, what's the word for that? Ineffable! Exactly that. A nearly skipped experience that leaves me with few words. Me! And I always have words..

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