Sunday, March 25, 2012

ennead: any group of nine. how's that for pretentious?

some prepping and priming. and cary's cute butt.

the march down: it looks sunny but it's cold and windy and the stairs wiggle.
still marching, still wriggling only to face;

this! the swearing that ensued is amazing and spoken while submerged!

ok, getting it together slowly but surely, most of the gasping is over and notice how all moved out into the sun?

still looking around, bobbing in 56 degrees, dave is on the pier trying to get us into a group.

a l m o s t there...

closer, wait for it..


we did it! talent right in your face! we got it together for about 30 seconds.

we exited at the marine room and the day was looking like this!
swim report, sunday 3-25, 11am; steve, leonard, ralph, diana, the other diana, claudia, the mighty canning's & lftc launched off the pier because david loves us. thanks david!  we all gathered in cool but sunny weather, cold looking, slate green seas waiting for us. we prep and prime, wetsuit up, bodies lubed, fins in hand and down we go, the march down the wobbly stairs give me butterflies, it's shaky, cold, windy, narrow and dark down there under the pier. but, i still go as i'm following the brave and i'm a sheople, if all the swimmers in the pics were to jump of a bridge, i'd be right behind them. 
9 little swimmers jumping in a row, the swearing that ensued! (i won't even tell you what i heard from sweet little cary yesterday, who knew?) the water was 57 during the first 1/2 of our swim, 56 the second 1/2 but we had sun! come on, what more could i expect? very clear all the way to the bottom, zillions of baby sand dollars and the backs of huge waves to entertain us.  we swam against the current the whole way, everyone was working hard and it was so clear that these are people who can really swim. and swear. my world is complete. 
thank you to all for being with me today! 


  1. Great swim today, Laura. I felt like we really had to work for it today! Thank dear Dave too... so nice we could beat the storm.

  2. That was fun. Thanks everyone including David for making it possible. We should go from the pier to the Cove and back in the summer when the water is warm.
