Friday, March 2, 2012

swimsuit edition, lftc and the drug trade. and waves.

do you see the waves? oh yeah, there are the girls but see the waves?

do you see the waves? ok, diana and claudia are looking fantastic but see the waves? overhead, behind them?  

sports illustrated swimsuit edition-look for it near you.

dianadarling waving at me while she exits, only my tiptoes are in the water because of the waves back there!
Beat down and beat up for fun today! Surf everywhere, from the cove to the marine room to the pier and beyond, DD and Claudia swam under and out, way far out they said, I swam along the shoreline to play in the surf. I did have a little dust up with one wave but we all had fun in the glorious sun! 58 degrees, outstanding company and sand lodged in places you only read about in the Enquirer.
I did have one tourist near our bench ask me if the planes overhead were 'drug planes'. What? I guess when I came strolling up, cold and wet in my Speedo I looked like someone who knew about the drug trade. I told him no, don't be stupid, it's for tourists. In retrospect I should have told him yes and that I was just dropped in (like a Navy Seal commando) for a delivery. It would have been fun to see the reaction. Bratty, I know. I had fun watching the kayaks getting dumped one by one, over and over too.
Another day amuses me....

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