Saturday, March 10, 2012

secret votes, hypoxia, the pier and we peoples.

Saturday 'the Ruth Day' swim report: I didn't swim with Ruth today as the 'Ruth' time was a bit late for me but I did get a swim fix with Claudia, DD and Ralph. We had a paddler along too, it seemed easy for him to keep track of our far wandering group. We swam from the boat launch to the other side of the pier and back, Claudia swam more more more as she is wont to do. My watch read 58, we had sun but serious chop, I gulped lots of sea water today. Weird colored sea, very greeny looking close to shore then dark blue out and beyond. Silty water, algae bloom? We sailed along and close to the pier I stopped to get a read on where we were and I happened upon a secret vote by all my swimmers and paddler that I should ditch my magic fins. I was with the group, I wasn't trying very hard, I was cruising along happily, I didn't ask why this vote was up, it was like a Survivor episode or Lord of the Flies mentality. Whatever, we all swam along nicely until Ralph tried to pace Claudia. Um, WHAT? WHY? WHEN-EVER? My guess is he didn't want to be voted on, for anything. He had to veer far inland after he lost all lung capacity, he needed an exit strategy. At this point Claudia had Don stick with Ralph and DD, (no such vote for DD, she's hardcore and could swim a hurricane in her bikini without blinking an eye AND she'd be smiling) then we stuck together until I bailed at the boat launch. My hands ached and my lips were numb. Ralphs feet were white as snow, DD was pink and moving oh so slow. But there is our Claudia sailing South. Rock star swimmergirl. Sorry to have missed Ruth Day! I hope your swim was awesome in every way!

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