Monday, April 9, 2012

dear braggers....

easter swim report: i swam in coronado early to beat easter crowds, dave and ali came along too so i knew it was going to be a get in, get out and go home kind of swim day and so it was. but! conditions were outstanding, flat, calm seas, no waves at all, dolphins partying everywhere and sun shining down us. our coronado hostess has a take off locale and regular route which was from the north end of the beach to just past the hotel del and back for a 1.5 mile trek. it was very cool to see new stuff and swim a different course, especially with someone from that specific region.  the lifeguards were just as nice and helpful as our guys, the beach big and beautiful. we came up, ate candy like all athletes and got home before 1pm. wow, what to do with all that left over time. nothing, that's what. lounged around in a candy induced fugue state. i think it was the peanut butter eggs. i hate that.
and back to the beloved by all cove this week!
see you all very soon!


  1. How can we possibly brag when you got peanut butter eggs and we got NO candy?... Bill and I want to swim Coronado in the summer -- I hear the water warms up a tad! We talked to a guy on Saturday from Imperial Beach and he said the water's 52 down there--yikes. Too, too cold for my thin blood... only you brave ones can do it and you did. Way to go. Glad you all had a happy Easter (did you save me a peanut butter egg?).

  2. wait, 52 ???????? Im shivering thinking about this. Im chanting ommanepadmahum warm water chants. or cold water tolerance would work too. and a little more time in the day (an hour extra/day).

  3. Nice! that's a chill-the-eggs swim if there ever is one! My only experience is the 4th of July 2009 it was <54 YIKES! My ear is almost healed. Hope to join you all soon..after the gale-force winds quit howling!
