Sunday, April 22, 2012

A Sunday Six Pack Swim

Sunday's report -- the MCs are back... and had to get into the cold water before we forgot how!  I don't really know what Toni was talking all crazy about on Friday -- warm water -- you mean compared to the Bering Straits? So hot we're rippin' suits off here? No way, Jose! -- these MCs are not so M... but you knew that... all you no-pants-really-hard-core and VERY mighty merfolk -- you know who you are... you brave the cold every day... (so maybe Bill and I should be renamed the WCs for the wimpy Cs we are).

We did have a wonderful, muy bueno time in warm, sunny Puerto Vallarta... great water (though we got lazy and swam mostly in the gorgeous swimming pool and soaked in the jacuzzi) -- I blame it on Laura -- she made us too spoiled at the La Jolla Athletic Club, so what else could do?  R&R&R&R... now it's back to the cooler climes.  I drank a mango margarita for you, LFTC -- so hope you tasted it -- was so GOOD!

Greyness, coolness, funness at the coveness
The water today was a bone chilly 57 inside the cove... we raced to get out to the A and B where it was almost 60. Marta had her gauge on and Steve had his Garmin swimometer on.  Marta gave us temp readings and Steve reported on mileage -- A then B then caves, through caves, well almost but near crashing on the rocks so back out the caves and in gave us a mile and a quarter!  Nice work for a six-pack-swim team Leonard, Diana, Marta, Steve, Bill and me... fun times, good swim -- hope to see more of our swim peeps next weekend! Diana will be gearing up for her Kauai getaway, so hopefully we'll get to see her next week too. Keep that water temp going up...please?


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