Tuesday, April 17, 2012

making ralph love the turtle...

swim report ala ralph: i'm going to ask you to imagine that ralph is giving this report, i don't think he has checked his email, ever, i texted him a year ago and he still has the message on his phone, nor does he know it's from me. asking him to find the blog, log in and report anything is a long shot. however comma, ralph has opinions and thoughts, i'm sure will be happy to hear that i spoke for him today. okay, here we go: "yeah, we saw the turtle today, it sure was special."    there you go! that is what he said to loli when we crossed paths, just like that in a low, calm voice. that was his story.
swim report ala lftc: ralph and lftc met at noon under the sun, looking at beautiful flat seas and 60 degrees. no homisurf? i'm in. we swam to the marine room with some viz, maybe 8' here and there, less in some spots, we made it all the way to the hotel when fog started rolling in so we turned back and found that weird rip that hangs out near the 'white house'. a heavy cross current was making me a bit dizzy when suddenly i see a big tan boulder rolling under me. wow, i'm really dizzy but no, oh my god! it's the turtle! a big turtle, a big light colored turtle right beneath me. i scream for ralph, (ear plugs, two caps) after i'm hoarse from screaming, he notices that i'm telling him something. the turtle, ralph, the turtle! his response? an enthusiastic "oh". um, what? are you kidding me? i grabbed his hand and dragged his ass over to where turtle was posing, waiting to give out autographs and made him look. if i had needed to, i'd of held his head under to be sure he saw turtle. he came up grinning and i knew i had a done a good thing by forcing him to love the turtle. i love the turtles, not only because they are magical creatures living in a place i love but because my very first sighting was with my very first real swim partners, cami and toni, they love the turtle too.    i had a very, very good swim today my friends.
i know you will appreciate both of these reports. i mean, some of the shyer people need the more expressive people to elaborate on the story, to bring out the color and deliver the vibe. color and vibe brought directly to you!

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