Friday, April 20, 2012

Friday swim

Friday swim.  My first in 3 weeks!  Ralph, LFTC, Claudia and Toni.  The fog was low, but hanging respectfully off shore for our swim.  We respectfully swam along the cliffs to the WH, just in case the fog changed course.  Curious sea lions above the water, but the viz was poor underneath.  So poor, in fact, that Laura and Claudia simply wouldn't continue in the murky conditions.  "REALLY?"  So there is actually a scenario that would turn those two dedicated swimmers back toward shore?  Dang.  We had one out of the three conditions needed for a good swim: 1)sun 2)flat water 3)warm water.  We had #3--warm water!  60 degrees!  It was like a boiling cauldron out there.  I wanted to tear my wetsuit off and bask in it.  Spring has sprung in the ocean.  Let the warming begin!

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