Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Missed Saturday, not Sunday: Good Water Times

Need to post.
Saturday was painful and fun too. No swim was the pain. Bill went off to have fun with all yous and celebrate Claudia's day and I stayed home... for a good cause though -- a very special party!

Sunday morning wasn't going to be Tour of the Buoys... Party, Perseids -- what a night!  Sunday's swim was uniquely similar to many others -- where are we going? A-B-Corner? No, 1/4, 1/2, Corner! No, A-B-Corner and so on... Bill and Janie won and A-B-Corner in search of the GWBabyS-legend...

Did we find it? Nope! We found nice big leopards at the Marine Room, I saw lots of getting much bigger young baracuda, lots of fish and the cave. No GWBabyS-legend.  Let Claudia know we tried.
Great swim with Bob and Carol, Mark and Jo, the MCs, Ashley, Lyndee and not quite Diana, she went out a bit later with Lyndee's friend Lynn.  All good times... but here's the BIG deal, READY?

The MCs sat and listened to the tunes in the park for a while, simmering in the heat. Finally we said let's get back in the water, NOW.  So we had a wonderful no pants swim.  Nice... yes, it was very nice.
So that's my report... no pants swim in warm 70 degree water on a hot Sunday afternoon -- perfect!

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