Thursday, August 23, 2012

glorious days of summer

Oh man. The sea has been ever-so-kind with gentle rollers, warm water and clear to the bottom visibility.... these last few days have been dreamy.  Today I solo-ed it for the second time in two days which makes me feel all high and mighty since this gal doesn't do that kind-a thing too often... but conditions have been epic.  Yesterday started off with a bang with honest-to-God,  LYNDEE down with sand between her toes at 10:30 AM!!  Sunshine (thats Sunsh for short) all sweaty and pumped up from spin class,  and of-course-Laura, our mighty LFTC!  Our route was wherever it was clear which was pretty much everywhere.... and then our fearless leader spotted this:  (for obvious reasons, I have a thing for spotted things....)Pacific angel shark swimming Pacific Angel Shark

GO LAURA!!  Pacific Angel Shark..... good thing she didn't go in for a touchy feely, (remember when you did that Mighty Mer Cary?) they have a reputation for being quite aggressive and according to the guy at the Birch, more people are wounded from trying to touch these sweet fellas than all other shark injuries combined.

The rest of the swim was glamourous, with Lyndee working on her lung expansions and Laura and Sunsh taking turns kicking my ass at swimming in real fast... it was an aquarium like day to be sure!!  Round two was later in the day and clear and fabulous and wonderful too.... and nice to see our .25 buoy back where it belongs (more or less).

Lyndee brought some classic pictures to look at of her mom and dad back in the day... was that National Geographic?? Kevin was on cloud 9 reading and going back in time.
Vi, Lyndee's beautiful mother formed a group called the Sea Nymphs, details to come in the resurgence of this!!

Today, same as yesterday with a little Fall nip in the air... rumors were that things were less clear... but really? are we going to nitpick? its the best its been in ages, clear to the bottom, lots of floating bull kelp with fronds descending 12 feet..... swaying and drifting in the light... and not one HINT of red tide.  This girl has found her happy place, located about 2/3 of the way down, suspended in the midzone of clean clear water!!

Cannings are out of town, LFTC is out of town, Arno is back at work.... the rest of us are SWIMMING as we should!!


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