Sunday, August 12, 2012

Tour of Buoys, 2012

This will be a very brief post because there is little to report.  The weather was fab.  The water was flat and warm - 70.  The fabulous viz was wasted--on nothing to see!  For 2.5 miles of breathtaking clarity, all I saw was a couple of black jellies 10 feet down.  And bushels of those salp-thingys.  They were like so much flotsam floating on top of the water.  They were more plenty than seaweed.  I got a handful with every stroke some times.  I had to concentrate on not opening my mouth under water for fear of getting a mouthful of them.  They weren't yucky, just...OK, yucky.

The Tri Club did a great job of hosting.  From the breakfast munchies to the after-swim lunch.  Of course it wasn't all about the food...OK, it was all about the food.

I swam the 2.5 mi. in 1:17.  Doug swam it in...whatever.  My friend, Steve, too.  The first 5-miler finished in a blazing 1:39!  We left before the awards were announced, though.

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