Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's Day Polar Bear Plunge

Beautiful sunny skies and reasonably calm ocean.  The 57 degree water was completely unnoticed when swimming WITH pants!  Ahhhhhh.  I could have swum all day in my PANTS!

I have to admit, I was a little trepidatious getting in the water; since the last time I swam was pre-fifties (like 60).  Those 3 degrees lost made me wanna stick close to the shore, swimming to the MR and back.  But I was just fine, thanks to may full wetsuit and super-sexy, ear-covering insulated swim cap.

And there were a TON of people on the lawn before this event!  Claudia, Steve D., Alexis, Sunshine, Ralph, Al, Doug, Jaycee--we all got our swim on.  We missed you, Laura.  You know how it's just not the same without your bright lilting voice yoo-hooing us.

Wishing everyone bountiful chill mileage and many whale sightings in the coming months!

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