Sunday, March 6, 2011


swim report saturday 12:30: shores, sun! flat glass, clear, 60 by my watch, cftc, ruth! and way too many other people. who are these people and why are they there? so ruth! was pleading for swim partners earlier, needing to swim beyond measure, who, when, where, how and a few 'oh come on, swim!' cries only to forget her wetsuit. we are walking toward the water, a mere 5 feet away and she's saying she can't do it sans wetsuit, she won't make it, it's too cold and then we are in the water and she's still saying she doesn't think she'll be able to swim and then, we are swimming and ruth! is woo hooing, showing off her naked legs and digging the not too terribly cold sea. we swam all around, checking stuff out and on the way back in we saw a big crab, really big, maybe a diameter of 2', maybe a spider crab. i tried to take pictures but i'm still in helen keller mode. sorry! after we exited, the dolphin brigade came calling, jumping and playing like crazy, we sat in the sun and chatted, bumped into c rose and ralph and called it a damn good day.
remember we have a birthday get together 3-26 or 27, details to be firmed up later.
swim people! get it in gear, get your swim on, take off your pants and swim like you mean it!

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