Tuesday, March 1, 2011

pictures from the special needs swimmer

triumph! a killer 'swim with the dolphins' exit! you both look amazing!
this is claudia's new stroke technique: face down, feet up and out!

i think steve is seeing how far cami will go before putting her arms in. a long, long time we found out..

a mysterious discussion..

aqua boy steve!

i love how cami is holding out for a few inches more! (as she should, always)

she is not putting her arms in, no way, no how..

da best swim crew!

pics! the conditions were a tiny bit rough so taking pics was not so easy, plus i have a learning curve: i can't really feel the buttons due to the frostbitten digits so it was hit or miss. and, i can't really see anything due to foggy goggles so if something moved, i either missed it or shot to the side of it. and, since i can't really hear anything due to my bonnet covering my ears, i can't verify if the camera caught anything. basically, i'm deaf, dumb, blind and have tactile anesthesia so don't hope for causteau photos. here they are though!

the crab sighting was lost to my disabilities, to much moving on my part. fab swim though!

post something!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My hands were so cold I couldn't start my car!! BRRR! Saw jellies,crabs, and lot's of snack fish.
