Saturday, March 5, 2011

oh delicious clarity

How I do love thee. Beautiful tranquil clear (10+) flat water swim today with RUTH! and LFTC both sin wetsuits those brave gals, and my in my full all nice and toasty. Swam from infront of the tower to the Marine Room and back, nice gentle current although not sure which way it was pushing us, no kelp to make measures with.... saw tons of sand dollars, another giant Leonard crab (LFTC got pix we think) and lots of bait fish... then lots of dolphins apparently eating the bait fish once we got out. LFTC is sporting a cute new do and strong out there no fins, Ruth! is tough as nails in her free skin swim. Great swim gals, nice chatty vitamin D absorbing chill-in-the-sun on the bench afterwards. AH, I do love my swim peeps, missed the rest of you out there.

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