Thursday, March 3, 2011

fun swim with 200 sea lions!

swim report thursday 12:30, RUTH! carol, lftc and about 200 sea lions, bratty sea lions, noisy and boisterous. some surface chop with a good surge, some swells predicting incoming surf soon, 60 degrees by my watch and not too clear but still fun and slightly dizzying. we swam to the 1/4 then toward the marine room but carol hadn't been feeling very well so we played around, maybe nearing the invisible 1/2 before turning around. pretty killer swim, played with my camera a little, i suck! but i'll get better.

we had some sun! after wishing love to carol's daughter, kelly, the sun came out. her spirit was near, i hope..

all in all a good day for this swim chick and thanks to my partner for getting me down there. i needed her today! she straight up told me that was she is/was totally using me for self gain but i'm more than happy to be her enabler! thanks RUTH! and carol too, for joining us. pretty tough newbie.


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