Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Today, Tuesday, was wicked. Janie and RUTH! ploughed rather badly through a big set getting into the water, everyone else having gone merrily through. It took maybe 10 minutes for us to get out. But we did it. Trekked out to the A and B in huge swells and alot of chop. It almost looked like the waves were breaking at the quarter - the swells had tiny crests as they swept up the 1/4 for a ride.

So we headed in from the B - waves and current (?) pulling towards the caves. Stayed outside the break for maybe 7 - 10 minutes minutes waiting for a set to finish. Janie thought we may be okay but then we looked again and saw a huger wave and another set heading in. I admit I was wondering if I was going to get into the Cove unaided. We looked hopefully toward the Cove to see if anyone was signaling us (they were) but we couldn't see them. I saw someone waving a white towel on the beach - don't know what that would have meant! but it was just a tourist. Janie called it finally and we headed in. Once the set was over getting in was pretty easy for me. Janie was very knackered but plugged mightily.

Thank you for the right call, Janie!! Thank you Mother O for the break in the surf!

* * * * * * * *
Sunday, Leonard, being the mensch that he is, went back in the water with me for 25 minutes after swimming around for 1 - 1 1/2 hours already, so that I wouldn't have to swim alone!!!! The wind was ripping - blowing out to sea. A first for me. Water cold but felt great and the company was awesome. The sun came out as we exited. But it was cold cold cold.

Then, over on the lawn, a parrot rescue group - Amazon Parrot Rescue, had a gizmo set up to show their parrots. Spectacularly beautiful creatures with 2' tails.

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