Saturday, March 5, 2011

Saturday swim

Flat seas, warm blanket layer on top. Ooh how sweet it is! Met Janie and Leonard as they were exiting the water. Leonard joined me to the quarter, then headed back in. I swam to the 'sharquarium' over in front of the Marine Room. Lots of big daddys in shallow water. Didn't see the crabs everyone's been talking about. Swam back past the quarter, to Boomers, where calm seas beckoned me onward. Spying two seastars lieing in the sea grass made the trip worthwhile! Plus an unidentified loner fish--maybe a small shark of some kind. I exited at Boomers at low tide--what was I thinking?! Mental note to never to that again.

1 comment:

  1. and what kind of lesson was it that you learned at low tide boomers? do tell, TFTC!
