Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Alcatraz Sharkfest Swim on 06-25-11

The same day the Pier to Cove swim was going on Amber, Talya, and I did the Alcatraz Sharkfest Swim.  We boarded one of two boats in Fisherman's Wharf that took us to right next to, but not on Alcatraz.  You have to jump out of the boat (about 5 ft down to the water) and then swim a couple hundred yards to where they start the race.  The two days before the race the weather was great and it was sunny.  The day of the race though it was cloudy which made it harder to see the landmarks we were using to make our way from Alcatraz to Fisherman's Wharf.  The interesting thing about the swim from Alcatraz is it's not a straight line.  You have to make a significant right turn to get to Fisherman's Wharf.  There was a current that was pushing us west of the entrance to Fisherman's Wharf.  I had the Coast Guard tell me twice to turn more west.  Talya and Amber said they felt the current also.  Most people who did the race used a wetsuit.  We saw at least five people who didn't where wetsuits need help from the Medics for hypothermia.  Some people even collapsed as they crossed the finish line.  The race was harder than I thought it would be this time.  It seems like the best way to stay on the right course is to stay in the main group and not try and look at a landmark on the shore.  It's actually the same distance as the pier is to the Cove (1 1/2 miles).  Over 900 people did the race.  We all were talking about doing the race again next year.    


  1. Thanks for the race report, Steve!
    out of curiosity, what was the water temp?

  2. Oops. The water was actually 61. That must be unheard of for San Fran.

  3. Hey that is really impressive! Congratulation to you all.

  4. wow. that swim blows my mind f.r.e.a.k.y waters!! , good job!

  5. yea!! good job you guys. Let's get another group for next year...I've signed up already (it sells out FAST). Where did you stay? love the hotel right off the finish line neat Ghiradelli Square. Thanks for the report. Water temp sounds good...how were the winds?

  6. Congrats to you all, what an adventure, don't think you could get me out there!!
