Thursday, June 16, 2011

some fun under the clouds..

swimming away into the far off sun.

warming up the toes.

the toes themselves.

what a nice stroke and a cute butt!

pre kelp crawl
swim report thursday 1pm: marta, DD, lftc and ali playing on the beach swam to the a, the b, the 1/4 and in. 64 degrees mostly, 63 sometimes, cloudy skies, no viz but fun! i love taking pics, i enjoy recording my awesome swim life and coming home to make david look at the ocean and it's inhabitants. his response is always the same: "oh, it's so and so in the water." "yeah, there's so and so swimming." he loves it, I can tell.  anyway, heavy kelp beds today near the a, we had to do some crawling which was kind of icky (a real oceanographic term) but we made it with no problem. beautiful silver seas today, mostly calm with many swimmers out.
why is no one reporting? i know you guys are out there! i hear swim reports of the no pants swimmers out and about all the time. report!

1 comment:

  1. I luv swimming with you...carefree and fun! The camera x 10.
