Saturday, June 25, 2011

pier to cove 2011 and the no pants swimmers

the leaders after the first lead swimmer. these folks swam in a pod.

close followers.

thick kelp some swimmers missed, many did not. i heard quite a few comments like 'ick', 'gross', 'ewww'.

the mighty c's stopping to say hi. i recognized you right away.

wendy on the left, cami on the right. i recognized cami's stroke from far away, i had to take a picture.

cami again, right after some water ballet. she showed me her new duck feet.

tom hecker who is a serious long distance swimmer, channel swimmer, paddler rock star.

tom on the far left, random people on the orange kayak and of course, our C rose, looking lovely in her paddling gear.
congrats to all the swimmers today, slower, faster, in betweens. you braved the whomping surf, swam hard and made it! i was happy to be on the water looking for you, i'm proud of you all and equally proud of the kick ass paddle crew i was able to hang with today. you may not know it but these people are really prepared for anything, and i'm pretty sure that don rasky could perform open heart surgery aboard his boat if he needed to. they just do it right.  thanks to the lifeguards who were really cheering you guys on and helping out every minute and thanks to doug burliegh for staging a fun event. oh, and to dave who was out in the sun, sand and water just for us. be sure to keep an eye out for paula's photos.


  1. the pink/purple cap to the right of the screen with Cami and Wendy is me *hi*

  2. How did i miss you, LFTC? Were you on the right or left side of the stream of swimmers? Of course, me swimming like a broken shopping cart I swam on the right (seaward?) side of things. But I should have seen you as I was not far behind Cami and Wendy. Hmmmm. I did see a very nice guy on his paddleboard at one point but that was it. Just me and the deep trenchy sharks who had the civility to stay out of sight. I wish I had seen you and CR. Alas, I lumbered across the Cove solo, just like the sea turtle. But it was a grand venture and I'm thrilled that you were a part of it!
    and it was totally no pants. me and ralph who is THE MAN.
