Thursday, June 9, 2011

Lynn on the rocks.

A pre surf fake out!
I haven't entertained you in awhile since the swims have been steadily awesome despite conditions but I have a new story: Wednesday, 11am, Steve, Marta, Lynn (full Ironman competetitor, amazing athlete some of you know) and LFTC went out in some small surfy seas, my watch read 62 steadily but I felt cold upwellings all over, zero viz, some surge but totally fun, did a little body surfing at the marine room and had a decent workout on the return swim. Coming back to shore we caught the surf set (because I was there, duh) and it wasn't too bad at all.  I wasn't scared because the surf was a little inside take off , I had breath to spare and we were so close! Lynn and I went together, Steve was already in because he is 'see you later Steve', and Marta was doing some kind of ballet on take off. I watch Lynn, she' was doing great, we did a few dives and when I turn to my left I see this swim chick kind of bouncing on the rocks near the sea lion perch, I thought for sure she was exiting, she's very tall, she looked upright but I was seeing the mid point of her sumersault. I hit the sand and bumped into Lisa the guard who was on her way to Lynn. I was confused!  What? What is she doing over there? Building sand castles, tide pooling, what? What she was doing was trying to do was get out! Off the rocks, out of the water, forevermore! She lost her fins and was beat up a little. She was knocked down on the wrong side of the cove and hit the rocks and as we all know, the ocean is the boss. The educator! And my friend was schooled yesterday. After she took care of the bleeding, the oozing and her heart calmed down, she realized that she was totally fine, she survived an initiation into the cove.

lynn, marta, steve

again because they are beautiful

this is view from eye level, straight on

lynn body surfing
 Her fins were recovered! The ocean thought she should have them back after her ordeal, everybody was concerned about Lynn and her fins. She rocked the swim, dealt with the beat down like an Ironwoman and got her fins back. I love her for wanting to go again. I think everybody has some kind of initiation rite at the cove so she joins a stellar crowd of hard core, die hard swimmers. That would be all of you!

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