Wednesday, June 29, 2011

fait accompli! turtle love..

after swimming the cove most of my life, i finally saw the turtle! of course i heard about it many times, it was so common but why did i not see it? we had been hunting, going out specifically for the turle, gave eachother turtle idols for luck, donated jewelry to the sea, committed acts of kindness towards the sea and the swimmers for good karma yet no luck for me. until today! i saw the turtle up close, we chased her for awhile and it became to murky. i didn't care one bit, i saw her, finally. i was thinking that every spectacular moment i have had in the sea is usually shared with someone or someones who are so special. the giant sea bass, a giant broomtail (maybe) a downright sharkorama, the fabulous yellowtail, the spanish dancer, all thankfully shared. today the turtle sighting was especially cool as two of my very first full time and regular partners were with me: cftc and tftc, the original a team. dianadarling is the 4th but she's working today-i bragged about the turtle to her though, rest easy! it was especially nice to have marta sharkbait along too, new adventures await us all and it is my sincere hope that we get to share these moments together, somehow, someway, with or through eachother. strong connections are a rare thing, these special moments in the sea bond us all!


  1. truly truly. Kevin brought home a puppy from Baja and Im thinking her name should be turtle... you know, in honor of US! Great day all the way around, time for a margy! (not really)

  2. So, I cannot die before I see up close,a turtle in San Diego waters, or a Big Horn Sheep in Anza Borrego Desert. So there!! You fortunate gals.
