Sunday, September 4, 2011

fred is funny in the liquid gold

swim report sunday, fred, lftc-11:30: upon hearing that conditions were even remotely swimmable i scrambled for some swim love, only fred could handle the short notice request. (thank you thank you fred!) i ditched my other beach plans and raced down to find that indeed, conditions were decent. we collected a swimmer on our way out, a very nice guy named kevin, who wanted some company to the 1/4. the 1/4? just the 1/4? we went through some small tide waves,  some heavy muck and thick sea weed but made it out perfectly. at the 1/4 i tried to lure kevin further, he declined and said that he recently met some crazy swimmers who wanted to swim "like a mile and a half". this caused fred to crack up,  he tells kevin that 1 1/4 miles to this crew is a warm up, 'don't listen to her man, she'll have you all over in a minute, you'll be out all day long! fred was funny today! poor kevin was a little scared and took right off. baby.  we had some good clarity at the 1/4, pretty murky elsewhere, some swells rolling around but easy to handle and so fun, it was such a fix for me, like liquid gold. bumped into the king and queen of the cove on our way out, doug and janie stripping off their robes of glory to play in our playground, i didn't see any of the other regulars, many, many tourists though. NO parking to be had! so good for what ails, all the shark and surf drama fading away like a bad sunburn. i expect to see everyone and their mother's out this week, the end of this week looks killah! 

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