Tuesday, September 6, 2011

hot day, cold seas, no quitters

tuesday swim report: fred, marta, lftc swam in flat, calm cold seas today, (i have to say that 61/62/63 is NOT cold but it was the buzz word today and i'm a sheople, just got right in line) no real viz but some clarity at the 1/4, the a looked scary with kelp so we did a dash to the 1/4, fred needed to read his emotional and physical temps before forging on due to the cccold. he was totally fine and blazed on, john wayne style, as we expected. john wayne in a pink swim cap. we love fred, he's one of us but he may be worried about the winter. tftc will have to have a talk with him, she tried to quit one winter so long ago and ended up swimming further, more often and in way rougher seas. such a mistake my beloved tftc! counsel fred.  we made the 1/2 our goal but we were pushed way outside by an invisible current so we were a scattered trio. very few swimmers, NO tourists! it was almost silent today, it was surreal after a summer of crowds but beautiful to behold. bumped into lonely leonard on our way in, he is requesting a group swim this coming sunday at 11 or so. you all have to be there! he needs us, he wants us! we have to swim for leonard and the mc's and ruth, we have to represent, people! get it together and swim. 
No man drowns if he perseveres in praying to God, and can swim.
~ Russian Proverb

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