Sunday, September 18, 2011

wow wow wow

Sunday, did I feel a sprinkle? Came over the hill to LJ on Soledad and could swear it was almost raining, dropped the kids at a friends, bolted to the club and down to the Cove, and our shining pod, smiling and waving! LFTC, DIana Darling, the Mighty C's, Leonard, CFTC and WKB (Wendy) dipped into initially chilly waters which turned out to be 66, oh we have become so soft this summer.... clear as glass on the inside, trooped out to the .25, wow, check it out, over here we were screeching practically. Onward towards the Marine Room, hey SHARK (7 gill I think) oh, over here, school of sargo, lots of white fish, which do have yellow fins also :) ... a spotty seal lollygagging about, then to the Marine Room, very distractible swim I have to say, with the current all the way... turned back after seeing a zillion guitar fish against the chop, like crawling on land home... then again, the mighty current did the switcheroo, and we were jamming again. Another shark on the way in, bat ray, frolicking sea lions blowing bubbles and being wayyy frisky and back into the shocking clarity on the inside. Remarkable day in the water with great company too!

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