Friday, September 9, 2011

wow! seriously, wow.

sea lions greeting us

fred doing his version of hello-our first fred foto!

swim report thursday noon, loli, fred, cami, lftc: swam out with some trepidation for the red and juicy but had heard the a was decent so we head thataway, pretty clear mostly but not great, sea lions hanging very close by doing their thing, suntanning or whatever, waving hello. one was curious about us but they others stayed put. at the a we decided to cruise to the caves via #5 pin, we ran into a swimmer girl who said "go to the inside" all excited like so we did and what do you know? total clarity, all the way down! wow, what a good call because why? 3 black sea bass, that's why! surely juveniles but jumbo still, just lollygagging, checking the scene out just like us. it was awesome and we were very lucky. right after that we head further in and a big harbor seal, all black and white polka dotty, came to say hi. seriously? we couldn't leave now despite the cold spots. the water ranged from 62 to 65 and the caves were wild feeling, cold on one body part and warm at another, rippling. magical. on the swim back fred hugged the caves for his own experience and made the cave trip, we waited for him outside. too dark and cool in there. we did sprint drills, per cami, all the way back in. thanks to my swim partners for this amazing swim, wow.

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