Monday, September 19, 2011

Saw a kayaker get rescued by a helicopter

Talya and Amber and I were swimming back to the Cove from the Marine Room when we saw the lifeguards drive up on the beach right in front of the Marine Room.  Next thing you know, the SDFD helicopter is flying back and forth over us.  Apparently a kayaker got stuck on the rocks just north of the caves.  Someone from the helicopter was lowered to the rocks and pulled the kayaker up into the helicopter.  That won't be a cheap bill!  And yes the water was lovely   lol


  1. How could you get stuck on the rocks today?! The water was calm. All that must have happened after we left the cove. Such excitement!

  2. I don't think she was 'stuck on the rocks’. I believe she capsized on the rocks and was injured, so she couldn't kayak back. At least that is what I heard, after we got back to the cove. You definitely wouldn't have missed it Toni, it was pretty noticeable and quite dramatic.
