Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve Swim Fun

Not a creature was stiring... well, except for the sea lions everywhere, quite a few swimmers (non of our peeps) and loads of fish and birds! We did see Richard, Anna Marie and a few others, though I think most were either busy getting ready for holiday stuff or headed to Coronado?

The MCs braved the 56 degree, FRIGID waters and LFTC was right -- well worth the dip!  The waters were smooth, a few swells in the cove and gorgeous sunshine on deck.  That was a treat -- and my hot water bottle, plus some of my warm, spicy chai helped to thaw Bill and I, post swim. Still, we felt good even making to the 1/2 and back. The water was not too clear, but not bad -- a beautious day with the sunshine beat down... the tide wasn't too low at 10:30 when we went out. By around noon when we walked past the cove all we could see were rocks every -- take-off rock looked like an island. Real knee-scraping swim time, so we were glad we'd gone out earlier.

Daisys still blooming on December 24, can you believe it? What a day!
Missed everyone this weekend and hope you all have a happy Christmas. Mine certainly is with our children all nestled all snug in their beds (what?) and home for the holidaze.  Happy times.  We look forward to our polar bear dip and NEW YEAR at the shores together--PARTAY!  Hope to see you in 2012!

December 24, 2011...sublime 


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