Sunday, December 4, 2011

Weekend warriors, go, fight, SWIM!

Weekend of the 11 pack swim, November 27...
such a smooth, awesome swim!
We MC's made it last Sunday for that really big 11-pack day (I can't even remember who all was there but it was at least a GIANORMUS BUNCH!) and it was a truly a glorius day--cool, smooth and clearish waters... all the hard core no pants swimmers and us wimps (that cringe at the mere thought of no wetsuit as the temps plunge below 60, heck, even 65) were there!  Hey, gimme Hawaii or the Caribbean -- even the Mediterranean and I'm such a NO PANTS SWIMMER!  This water, not so much...  Honestly, I have the utmost respect and admiration for youz hardcore merfolk.  You rock and SWIM!!!

The day of our 11-pack swim in the late afternoon.
The water this weekend was great too, though the water temps seem to be creeping down. Had a great swim with LFTC, CFTC, Claudi, Diana, Ralph and the MC's... out to the half then those that could take the cold went on to the A. Sunday it was just me, Bill and Leonard -- Diana and Phoenix went early, probably so they wouldn't miss a minute of the grovadellic La Jolla Christmas Parade...maybe not. Bill and I checked in on it after we ate something hot but had to head home for Sunday chores... the weekends just go by WAY TOO FAST !Here are a few  pics from this weekend.

Saturday, December 3 we swam with
LTFC, CFTC,  Claudia,  Diana, and Ralph

Sunday, December 4th was a bit bumpier and cooler...
still a gorgeous day!

Sunday, December 4th, bumpier and cooler...  

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